In Insurance of Wet Risks, Normal action of the sea is excluded.
Normal action of the sea may be defined as:
“Normal action of the sea means the state of the sea, which manifests itself up to No. 8 on the Beaufort scale, or the state of the tides, current and wave action of the sea, which must be statistically expected to occur once during a 20-year period, whichever is the more onerous”.
It may be noted that some insurers/reinsurers may make it more onerous by insisting for No 9 or No 10 on Beaufort scale.
No 8 on Beaufort scale refers to Gale with wind speeds between 62 to 74 km/hr and probable wave height between 5.5 and 7.5 meters.
No 9 on Beaufort scale refers to Strong Gale with wind speeds between 75 to 88 km/hr and probable wave height between 7 and 10 meters.
No 10 on the Beaufort scale refers to Storm with wind speeds between 89 to 102 km/hr and probable wave height between 9 and 12.5 meters.
In short, only abnormal action of the sea will be covered and normal action of the sea is excluded for wet risks.