These wind perils are not defined under the fire policy.
Indian Meteorological Department classifies disturbance as follows:
Low Pressure Area: Wind Speed < 31 km/hr
Depression: Wind Speed 31 to 49 km/hr
Deep Depression: Wind Speed 50 to 61 km/hr
Cyclonic Storm: Wind Speed 62 to 88 km/hr
Severe Cyclonic Storm: Wind Speed 89 to 118 km/hr
Very Severe Cyclonic Storm: Wind Speed 119 to 221 km/hr
Super Cyclone: Wind Speed > 221 km/hr
While we have stated nowhere in the policy, we on the insurance selling side believe we are covering only if the wind speed is greater than 61 km/hr.
Not sure whether the insurance buyer also has the same understanding.
Even assuming that we include the Wind speed requirement in the policy, how does the insured prove the wind speed if IMD observatory or independent third-party wind speed measuring station is not located nearby. If the nearest wind speed recording station is 100 km away, will we as insurers accept that reading? Is that reading a true indicator of the wind speed at the loss location?
Finally, do we cover damages covered by hailstorm in the fire policy? Remember Fire policy is a named peril policy.
I do not know the answers to the questions raised by me in this blog. Opinions and experience of experts is most welcome.
Tomorrows blog; I will talk about the Beaufort scale. Balasundaram R mentioned about the dispute between the insured and insurer because the policy had a warranty regarding minimum Beaufort scale.